Why 2019 Could Be a Challenging Year for Internal Audit


External Threats Loom Large

With 2019 planning on the horizon, audit teams are beginning to consider external factors that threaten to disrupt the success of their organization’s key objectives. Gartner’s Malcolm Murray, Rafael Go and Leslee McKnight analyze 11 key risks, connected by four major risk themes, that can help audit teams more effectively identify risks to their organization and their impact on the audit function and their stakeholders.

with co-authors Rafael Go and Leslee McKnight

Ongoing favorable macroeconomic conditions have enabled organizations to continue pursuing growth strategies, adopting technologies such as RPA and cloud, engaging in extended M&A activities and expanding into foreign markets. To provide effective assurance over all these new initiatives, risks that are more strategic and technical in nature are increasingly being included on audit’s radar, expanding its breadth of risk coverage.

Each year, Gartner creates our annual Audit Plan Hot Spots report by combining input from interviews and surveys with over 200 chief audit executives (CAEs) from across our global network of client organizations, as well as extensive secondary literature reviews. This year, we discovered four key trends underlying the risks expressed by CAEs as being critical to guide…
