Risk Management adoption critical in increasing threat landscape |IT News Africa – Up to date technology news, IT news, Digital news, Telecom news, Mobile news, Gadgets news, Analysis and Reports


November 20, 2018 • Opinion, Security

Risk Management adoption remains critical in increasing threat landscape

Christopher McClean, Forrester VP and research director serving security and risk professionals.

To stay ahead in a competitive landscape, organisations are increasingly focused on investment into new technologies, emerging markets and business models. These new technologies introduce risk, highlighting areas of concern and emphasising the need for a robust risk management programme. However, there are still significant barriers to entry that limit investment into risk management. Executives are skeptical – risk management is perceived as a hindrance to performance and a cost to both bottom line and business process.

It is critical that the organisation overcome these barriers by building a pregame that guides it through rapid market evolution and disruption.

Corporate catastrophes like the VW emissions testing debacle, the Wells Fargo fake account scandal and the Equifax breach and botched response are happening all too often. And in the next five years, the risk landscape will become even more complex as customer demands increase and…
