Mintel Comperemedia reveals four marketing trends for insurers in 2019 | FinTech


With data protection high on the agenda of many insurers, Mintel Comperemedia has listed four trends that will impact insurers’ marketing strategies in 2019.

Partners in Prevention

The growth in Internet of Things (IoT), wearables, and connected devices will collectively open doors for insurance carriers as they look to become proactive, risk-mitigating participants in policyholders’ lives.

Consumers are no longer content with purchasing insurance policies simply to collect dust. Instead, they are looking to their insurance providers to partner with them and mitigate risk collaboratively. In response, insurance carriers are expanding value propositions, messaging, and products in order to become active participants in policyholders’ lives.

In 2019, wellness programs, telematics, smart home technology, and emerging connected devices will open doors to the advancements driving innovation in a prevention-driven insurance industry.

“In an industry long resistant to digital innovation, insurance carriers are not only embracing change, but doing so in a way that is fundamentally altering the paradigm by which they operate. Expect to see a greater emphasis on value propositions…

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