A Cybersecurity Compliance Crystal Ball For 2019


What Recent News Means for the Future

The compliance landscape is changing, necessitating changes from the compliance profession as well. A team of experts from CyberSaint discuss what compliance practitioners can expect in the year ahead.

with co-authors Padraic O’Reilly, CyberSaint CPO and Co-Founder and Adam Bryan, Advisor

Regardless of experience or background, 2019 will not be an easy year for information security. In fact, we realize it’s only going to get more complicated. However, what we are excited to see is the awareness that the breaches of 2018 have brought to information security – how more and more senior executives are realizing that information security needs to be treated as a true business function – and 2019 will only see more of that.

Regulatory Landscape

As constituents become more technology literate, we will start to see regulatory bodies ramping up security compliance enforcement for the public and private sectors. Along with the expansion of existing regulations, we will also see new cyber regulations come into fruition. While we may not see U.S. regulations similar to GDPR on a federal level in 2019, these conversations around privacy regulation will only become more notable. What we are seeing already is the expansion of the DFARS mandate to encompass…
