4 Payment Security Trends for 2019

Visa’s chief risk officer anticipates some positive changes ahead.

Change that leads to improvement is usually good, in my opinion, and in my role at Visa, I anticipate some healthy changes ahead for the payment industry. Of course, no one can perfectly predict what is to come, but here is my take on four notable payment security trends for 2019.

Trend 1: Continued growth in E-Commerce and M-Commerce will drive the need for secure digital payments.
The volume of digital payments will likely continue to increase, driven, in part, by the growing comfort and habit among consumers with making purchases on their smartphones, tablets, computers, and IoT devices. Industry analysts predict that there could be more than 20 billion IoT devices by 2020. While chip technology has significantly reduced fraud in stores, we need a similar security defense for the digital channel. Tokens can be that solution.

Tokens replace the transmission of actual payment card numbers, so if a point-of-sale (POS) system, mobile device, mobile application, or network connection is compromised, payment card numbers are safe since they are not exposed. Tokens also include a dynamic value that changes with each…

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