Congress should support efforts to further protect pipelines from cyber threats


This week my organization, the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, testified before Congress to highlight how natural gas pipeline operators are responding to cyber and physical security threats and to call for increased collaboration with our government partners. Our message is simple — while much is already being done, we must continually improve our vigilance, because adversaries seeking to disable infrastructure of all kinds, including natural gas pipelines, are nimble and the threats they pose are real.

The critical role that energy plays in driving our economy is well understood and this is especially true for natural gas infrastructure, which serves as the indispensable link between natural gas producers and consumers. Correspondingly our industry takes its security responsibilities extremely seriously. Cybersecurity, in particular, is a C-Suite priority for pipeline companies and has expressly been labelled as a top-operational risk.

In recognition, INGAA’s Board proactively developed its ‘Commitments to Pipeline Security’ which outline the specific actions that our members take to identify, protect, detect, respond to, and recover from security threats…

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