What Estonia’s record number of i-voters teaches us about election trust – EURACTIV.com


Estonia is in the midst of a parliamentary election. With election day this Sunday, almost 40% of voters have already cast their preference during the early voting period. Most of them i-Voted, submitting their ballot online, writes Liisa Past.

Liisa Past is a Next Generation Leader at the McCain Institute for International Leadership at the Arizona State University (ASU) and former Chief Research Officer at the Cyber Security Branch of the Estonian Information System Authority (RIA), where she designed, led and carried out analysis related to cyber security, including risk, threat and impact assessments.

Given the disinformation campaigns and cyber attacks against elections around the world, these two domains have been closely watched. Thus far, it is business as usual.

In the digital sphere, a background of attempts to break into systems, or impact them otherwise, is to be expected but there is presently no evidence of successful campaigns against the cyber security of election technology. Seems that the government-backed secure digital identity and online voting application, that facilitate i-Voting, are in good health.

Similarly, a level of adversity is…

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