How CIOs Can Influence the Board

Technology has become a strategic asset in business. Here’s how to get your board to focus on technology’s value.

Technology is now a strategic asset of the enterprise, providing the competitive edge that’s needed for success in the market. But just how smart is your company’s board of directors when it comes to technology. Shouldn’t this top group of advisors have a strong understanding of the technology that is powering the business?

Shouldn’t technology leaders inside the company, starting with CIOs, be fostering stronger relationships with members of the board? The answer is yes.

“CIOs need to engage better with boards,” said Khalid Kark. Kark is the US CIO Program Leader for consulting firm Deloitte and has focused in his work on CIOs and leadership. He recently worked with corporate board experts and others at Deloitte to produce a new report, Technology and the boardroom: A CIO’s guide to engaging the board.

Khalid Kark

Deloitte’s 2018 global CIO survey found that many businesses are stuck in a defensive technology strategy. In the average organization, only 18% of the tech budget is spent on developing new business capabilities and the rest is spent on business operations and…

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