Manufacturing Cybersecurity – the Brexit Lookout


With a matter of weeks (perhaps months) still to go, Brexit remains as clear as mud. We’re all aware of the potential economic impacts, but it goes deeper than that: cybersecurity could also be affected by a disorderly exit, as the UK’s information exchange with partners around the world undergoes change.

As the world goes digital, British industry is at the mercy of cyber-attackers – when considering the economic health of the country, cybersecurity should be top of mind.

As an example, Britain’s manufacturers have become much less confident about the prospects for the UK economy as a result of Brexit uncertainty and fears over cybersecurity. Worryingly, there has been a declining trajectory of manufacturing output, which fell for a fifth straight month in November of 2018. The last time that occurred was the 2008-09 recession.

This year has also seen the departure of multiple large players in the automotive space, as well as moves EU-wards by big employers. There are some major bumps in the road ahead. Manufacturers have a lot on their plate. How can they ensure cybersecurity doesn’t worsen the headache?
The security challenge
At the same time, with the rise of…

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