$50M sought for design, construction of Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative facility | News


President Donald Trump’s fiscal year 2020 budget blueprint – a visionary document – includes what some call a good omen for a long-awaited and seemingly mercurial Aiken-area project: the Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative.

Trump’s budget request, now about three weeks old, includes $50 million for the AMC. More specifically, the money, if appropriated, would be used for AMC design and construction.

The AMC at a 30,000-foot level represents a partnership between the Savannah River Site – the U.S. Department of Energy more generally – and the outside world.

At a 15,000-foot level, the AMC represents a confluence of the Savannah River National Laboratory and both the future of education and manufacturing.

What is it?

At its core, the AMC will “provide some laboratory space, testing kinds of space, available both for industry and academia,” according to SRS deputy manager Thomas Johnson Jr.

Johnson discussed Trump’s budget request and answered questions about the AMC on Monday during a Savannah River Site Citizens Advisory Board meeting.

Trump’s budget request, including DOE’s related justification, describes the purpose of the AMC in great…

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