Assessing third-party vendor risk: Top 6 challenges


Third-party cyber threats are impacting major business decisions, according to a BitSight and CeFPro report. Here are some of the biggest challenges.

Why CISOs are consolidating their vendors and improving cloud security
At RSA 2019, Jeff Reed of Cisco discussed the company’s 2019 CISO Benchmark Study and the top threats enterprises face.

Managing third-party cyber risk is crucial to a functional business, according to a BitSight and Center for Financial Professionals (CeFPro) report released on Tuesday. However, a lack of consistent monitoring and reporting is presenting major challenges for organizations, leaving them vulnerable to data breaches, the report found.

The report surveyed 126 financial services professionals from various industry sectors across the world. The financial industry, in particular, works with thousands of vendors including legal organizations, accounting and human resources firms, management consulting and outsourcing firms, and IT and software…

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