Guest column: Jacksonville needs to embrace resilience against flooding risks – Opinion – The Florida Times-Union


Like all cities, Jacksonville faces an expanding list of challenges.

From the effects of sea-level rise to neglected neighborhoods. From the opioid crisis to high murder rates. From substandard schools to cyber-attacks. Other cities are improving their capacities to proactively adapt and grow regardless of the kinds of stresses or shocks they experience. But our approach is largely reactive.

The proactive approach exemplifies urban resilience. It is holistic. It looks at systems that make up a city or region. It looks at how the systems are interdependent and the risks they face going forward. It strengthens cities to face expected and unexpected challenges.

In the business world it would be called forward-looking risk management. Success often depends on how well a company can look to the future and prepare for emerging risks and other impacts on its business. When a risk event occurs, the company is better able to adapt. Its risk exposure is limited and it saves money.

Some city departments and authorities are trying to strengthen our ability to deal with shocks and stresses to our city. So is the Northeast Florida Regional Council, Groundwork Jacksonville, and some…

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