Only Half of Businesses Believe They Have Achieved Cyber Resilience


“Business resilience” is the modern evolution of what was once known as “business continuity”, the change in terms precipitated by the global connections and always-on culture of the internet. When you boil the concept down, it’s basically a form of disaster recovery planning. Given the ever-present threats of hacking and disruption of online services, “recovery” isn’t good enough anymore; businesses have to harden themselves against an expectation of continual cyber security incidents that are potentially ruinous if successful – thus the need for a cyber resilience posture.

A new study from security services company Tanium indicates that businesses overwhelmingly believe that cyber resilience and business resilience is fundamental, but findings suggest that they are having a great deal of trouble achieving it.

The cyber resilience survey

The Tanium study included key decision makers at over 4,000 businesses located in the United States, Japan and throughout Europe. All companies surveyed had at least 1,000 employees.

96% of those surveyed agreed that cyber resilience should be a core component of their strategy for long term growth and stability, but only 54% felt…

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