Get more proactive on cyber security, says ex Europol chief


One of the biggest challenges for industries trying to adapt to cyber threats is the fact they are essentially trying to deal with the unknown, according to Robert Wainwright, senior cyber partner at Deloitte and former Europol chief, who received a knighthood in 2018 for services to policing and security.

“And as a result, they are going from one notable cyber security incident to another and reacting each time, but essentially they need to get a bit more on the front foot and anticipate better where the next blow will come from,” he told Computer Weekly.

To that end, Wainwright said there needs to be a better, more systematic engagement in threat intelligence, and businesses need to adopt a strategic principle of resilience rather than be influenced by security suppliers and consultants that drive the sales of products and services through fear.

“I am astonished that there is not better, more mature versions of industry threat-sharing platforms – and with law enforcement of course – to use data and networking to understand better the nature of the threat and how it dynamically changes on a daily basis.”

Resilience, he said, is about recognising that the…

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