How Risk Management Can Make Marijuana Businesses Bulletproof (or at Least Bullet Resistant)


Many ordinary risk management tools are unavailable to cannabis entrepreneurs because of federal prohibition.

8 min read

Brought to you by Green Market Report

Envision managing the risk of a volatile, staggeringly lucrative, 100 percent federally illegal enterprise. Toss in ridiculously inconsistent federal, state and local regulations, insanely evolving technologies and efficiencies, and an industry-wide disinclination to ever “play by the rules.”

However, when armed with decent risk management fundamentals, a marijuana related business can diminish most horrible outcomes, fortify the enterprise’s sustained growth, and maybe even get rich along the way.

Risk management is the identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical resources application which minimize, monitor, and control unfortunate events’ probability or impact. Although denied many standard “risk management tools” (like credit cards, bankruptcy law protection, and federal patents and trademarks), assembling a “risk management insurance,…

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