Week in review: Docker Hub breach, identifying malware in embedded systems, CCPA implementation


Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles:

Mozilla will block Firefox add-ons that contain obfuscated code
Mozilla has announced that, starting from June 10, Firefox add-ons containing obfuscated code will no longer be allowed on its Add-ons portal and will be blocked.

Attackers breached Docker Hub, grabbed keys and tokens
Docker, the company behing the popular virtualization tool bearing the same name, has announced that it has suffered a security breach.

Cybercriminals targeting social media: Facebook and Instagram are becoming phishers’ favorites
Social media phishing, primarily Facebook and Instagram, saw the highest quarter- over-quarter growth of any industry with a 74.7 percent increase, according to the Vade Secure Phishers’ Favorites report for Q1 2019.

Slack warns investors it might be targeted by organized crime, nation-state hackers
Slack Technologies, the company whose cloud-based collaboration tools and services are used by companies worldwide, has warned potential investors that the company faces threats from a wide variety of sources, including “sophisticated organized crime, nation-state, and nation-state…

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