Public Private Partnerships And The Cybersecurity Challenge Of Protecting Critical Infrastructure


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In the U.S., most of the critical infrastructure, including defense, oil and gas, electric power grids, health care, utilities, communications, transportation, education, banking and finance, is owned by the private sector (about 85 percent according to DHS) and regulated by the public sector. The public and private relationship in operating and protecting critical infrastructure requires a strong working partnership.

Protecting the critical infrastructure poses a difficult challenge because democratic societies by their nature are interactive, open and accessible. Because of the growing digital connectivity (and interdependence) of both IT and industrial control systems, critical infrastructure is facing an evolving and sophisticated array of cybersecurity challenges. 

A recent survey of professionals in industries using industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT) commissioned by Tenable from the Ponemon Institute found that 90 percent of respondents say their environment has been damaged by at least one cyberattack over the past two years, with 62 percent experiencing two…

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