Could Cybersecurity Cooperation Be the Low Hanging Fruit of EU-U.S. Trade Talks?


Both the U.S. and the EU face an ever-evolving cybersecurity threat landscape, and the upcoming trade discussions are a unique opportunity for both blocs to develop a shared understanding on how to address this common challenge. While there may be several challenges on specific chapters, it is in the interest of both the EU and the U.S. to set the global standard on cybersecurity and seek alignment on voluntary, risk-based cybersecurity standards and best practices.

Despite significant hurdles ahead, U.S. and EU officials are set to begin bilateral talks this week in order to set the groundwork for negotiations on a transatlantic trade deal. The prospect of a trade deal was first discussed last summer, with both U.S. and European Commission Presidents agreeing on a path forward. The EU approved trade negotiating mandates in April, and with the U.S. having released their own negotiating priorities in January, the parties are now free to enter into formal talks.

There is still a lack of a meeting of the…

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