PwC’s Digital Trust Insights survey results revealed


PwC’s report highlights how companies that lead in business and cyber security alignment are expecting higher revenue and higher profit margin growth; and can derive greater outcomes from their digital transformations PwC’s Digital Trust Insights survey results revealed image

PwC’s Digital Trust Insights survey: how alignment of business and cyber security drives success

In a world where building digital trust is an imperative for most companies, PwC’s Digital Trust Insights survey reveals that business leaders are increasingly ensuring that their cyber security teams are always involved in the management of any risks stemming from their organisation’s business transformation or digital initiatives.

According to the survey, which draws on data from 3,000 business leaders in 81 territories, respondents agree that cyber security teams must interact with senior leaders to fully understand a company’s risk appetite around core business practices.

“If the lifeblood of the digital economy is data, its heart is digital trust—the level of confidence in people, processes, and technology to build a secure digital world,” said a spokesperson from PwC. “Companies,…

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