Cyber threat firm’s error exposes health data of 1.6M Puerto Ricans


As many as 1.6 million individuals in Puerto Rico may have their health information exposed because of a snafu by an information technology vendor.

Inmediata Health Group operates a database that captures current cyber threats and assesses, remediates and monitors risks to critical business systems and data. In January, Inmediata became aware that protected data was viewable online because a web page setting permitted search engines to index internal webpages used for business operations.

“Based on the current findings of the ongoing investigation, we have no evidence that any files were copied or saved,” Inmediata told affected individuals in a breach notification letter. “In addition, we have not discovered any evidence to suggest that any information potentially involved in this incident has been subject to actual or attempted misuse.”

John Moore

John Moore

The organization also noted that only a very small group of persons may have had Social Security numbers compromised, and letters mailed to individual patients specifically stated what types of their data may have been at risk.

Also See: Info for nearly 1M patients exposed on UW…

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