What Happens When Managers Misbehave?


GRC professionals in particular know the importance of tone at the top. When a leader has an ethical lapse, the ramifications can be far-reaching. Michael Volkov discusses the potential fallout of managerial misdeeds.

Company managers are the linchpin of a corporate compliance program. Without belaboring the “Tinker to Evers to Chance” baseball analogy, a corporate culture of compliance requires an important information and accountability flow (or cascade) from leadership to senior managers to on-the-ground managers. It is at this level that the compliance message requires effective communications and conduct by managers directly to employees. This is where the rubber meets the road.

More companies are coming to this realization and affirmatively enhancing managers’ ability to communicate important ethics and compliance messages and demonstrate by day-to-day examples how to implement such ethical principles in their supervisory and work responsibilities. Managers are an important reflection of a company’s culture.

A company places an extraordinary amount of trust in its managers. They carry an important message and have direct responsibilities over their employees. It is no accident that employees, when surveyed, prefer to report their concerns to their immediate supervisor. In fact, many…
