Why Hiring New Employees Can Benefit Internal Cybersecurity – TechNative


Whether it’s down to growth or replacement, hiring new employees is something that all organisations face on a day to day basis

In an ideal world, we’d hire all the right staff and they’d stay put in our businesses for a long, happy time. Sadly, this isn’t always the case, and staff turnaround can present a burden for many – especially in the banking and finance industry, where staff turnover rates are higher than any other industry.

Aside from the obvious disadvantages that this poses – including challenges bringing new employees up to speed on tasks and projects, and the cost of recruitment – cybersecurity can easily be compromised as a result of high employee turnover.

Too many organisations spend their security resources on putting strong external defences in place, in an attempt to keep outside hackers at bay. But it turns out that the bigger threat lies a lot closer to home. Sixty six percent of organisations consider malicious insider attacks or accidental breaches more likely than external attacks, and the majority of employees say that they have access to data they shouldn’t.

Keep it Simple: Identity and access management

Whether they mean to or…

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