Patrolling the New Cybersecurity Perimeter

Remote work and other developments demand a shift to managing people rather than devices.

The consumerization of IT has eroded the traditional line between “work” and “play.” Propelled by the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) era, our personal devices are commonly used for work.

This is especially true as more companies embrace the flexibility of working remotely, and as new devices and networks are used for work purposes. Personal smartphones are loaded with business email accounts, and personal computers and laptops used for remote work have business software, email, and documentation that may contain confidential information.

To top it all off, we aren’t just using work devices in the office. We’re using them on airplanes, at client offices, in coffee shops, and at home. All this means that the idea that protecting a perimeter is outdated. Instead, as “the workplace” becomes impossible to define as a physical location, technology professionals and IT teams must shift from managing devices to managing people, in order to stay one step ahead of such a rapidly evolving reality.

Protect the Crown Jewels
One easy way to begin implementing this new risk management strategy is to follow…

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