AWS Security Conference, Experts Address Top Cloud Concern


It wasn’t that long ago when the prevailing attitude towards security was that while it was important, it slowed down the processes of launching an application or bringing a product to market. Too often security was tacked on at the end of a product launch, which created roadblocks for developers. Today, security is too important to be an afterthought, and people working in security are promoting this message at events like the recent AWS security conference. 

Liberty Mutual senior director of global cyber risk management Brian Riley recalled seven or eight years ago when he would give presentations to the C-suite, and his audience’s eyes would glaze over at the mention of security. 

“As soon as security would come up, out came the BlackBerrys,” he said in an interview at AWS re:Inforce in Boston, the inaugural AWS security conference. “The last couple of years there’s been a drumbeat in the press of security issues that have affected various organizations, and there’s much greater focus [on security] at the executive management level and at a board level.”

That increased focus in the C-level was evident at last…

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