Is your company doing enough to ensure cyber security? | London Business News


No matter the size, today’s businesses have never been more exposed to the perils of the connected world. Nobody is spared, not even startups and SMBs. Cybercrime is on the continual rise, growing more clever and surprisingly picky with every new attack.

According to multiple reports, it’s the smallest targets that have it the worst.

SMBs account for the majority of data breaches – a whopping 58% – because they are less likely to have a robust security system in place. And while certain attacks are like fleabites to big corporations, no business big or small can survive a massive data breach without major losses.

The consequences are always dire, both financially and otherwise.

Businesses that allow for their customer or employee data to be leaked lose not only millions of dollars but also another crucial thing – the public’s trust. But preventing all this doesn’t require a strenuous effort or expensive investments. So you need to ask yourself: is your company doing enough to ensure cybersecurity?

Do you have a strong security policy?

Developing a strong security policy and implementing it consistently across the company might take some time, but…

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