Mitigating FCPA Risk and Maximizing Opportunities in a Global Economy


Entering new markets requires copious amounts of due diligence. While there are risks of corruption and bribery, Greece offers many intriguing perks. KLINK President and CEO Jeffrey Klink outlines the current opportunities and risks of conducting business in Greece.

In today’s global economy, finding the right avenues to maximize opportunities and mitigate risks is crucial to protecting your most important assets. Whether you are looking to enter an emerging market or grow in an existing market, understanding the local political, economic and social cultures is critical to success.

Mexico, Canada, and China are the top three U.S. trading partners, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. These three countries account for nearly 45 percent of all trade. But what about a country with a rich history and exciting future – Greece? Something to consider for those looking beyond the obvious destinations. Greece offers opportunity for investors, but it also poses corruption and bribery risks that must be addressed through solid compliance planning and programs.

Located in the southernmost part of the Balkan Peninsula, Greece is the 61st largest export economy in the world. In 2018, the country completed its third bailout program, marking the end of an admittedly long financial crisis. As the country continues to move…
