GDPR Turns 1: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going


In 2018, with the General Data Protection Regulation going into effect, data security finally secured a spot in the boardroom. SoftwareONE’s Mike Fitzgerald discusses takeaways for compliance practitioners in the year that’s passed since.

After years of IT professionals arguing its importance, data security firmly secured a place at the boardroom table across most industries in 2018, further illustrating that it is (and will continue to be) a top concern for organizations at all levels. A year later, it continues to draw attention.

Data security is not just good business practice, it is crucial for companies to survive. Fines associated with data breaches and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can equal as much as four percent of annual revenue – a high enough price that will make noncompliance cost prohibitive. Many countries (and the technology community) are instituting additional data protection policies on a local and global level to safeguard against data loss.

To move forward with better data privacy, it’s important to know where we’ve been and learn from others’ mistakes. Here are the top three lessons GDPR has taught organizations about data privacy and security:

1. Cybersecurity is a C-Level Issue

No longer is cybersecurity a siloed initiative that IT departments are tasked with…
