Prove your Company is Cyber-Ready


Cybersecurity takes on different meanings to different people. When it comes to protecting your clients’ business, employees and assets, there are a few precautions that systems integrators should take into account, ranging from traditional forms of security to precautionary measures that might seem less obvious. Using a combination of best practices is the easiest way to ensure important information will remain secure, and your customers will appreciate it too.

Ultimately, providing the best service as a systems integrator depends largely on communication and education, both with the client and also internally. Make it clear from the start that cybersecurity is a priority and that there are processes in place.

Assuring Clients

In many cases, a systems integrator will handle multiple client contracts – all of which outline different requirements regarding cybersecurity. One client may require an integrator to have basic cybersecurity measures in place, while others – specifically Fortune 500 companies – have more extensive policies and procedures. It is necessary to understand different requirements, set expectations and define capabilities.

One …

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