How to Secure Smart Cities in an Era of Change


Senior leaders today face a confluence of technological, climate, and societal changes that are increasing the occurrence, intensity, and economic and human costs of natural and manmade disasters and events. These changes—developments and trends that have been evolving over the past two decades—are exacerbating and creating new threats and vulnerabilities.  Feeding off each other, these changes pose challenges that transcend the traditional security mission space of prevention, protection, and deterrence to encompass resilience—preparedness, consequence mitigation, response, and recovery.

These changes include:

  • Accelerating advances in electronics, computing, and other digital technologies that enable us to generate, record, process, transmit, receive and display massive amounts of information and distribute it to disparate recipients via a range of applications.  These advances have permeated virtually every facet of how we live, creating a tightening web of interconnectivity from the global to individual levels, and opening new avenues for accidental disruptions and attacks.
  • Climate-related changes, including extreme weather events and rising sea levels that can…

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