How solid is your cyber incident response strategy? | Information Age


Business leaders need to get proactive about incident response strategies, the head of a major data-breach investigations team has warned in the wake of a massive data breach that exposed the biometric data of nearly 28 million people.

That breach, in which fingerprint images and administrator passwords were accidentally made available online by identity-solutions company Suprema, presages the potential dangers of the government’s proposed facial-recognition database – and highlights the risks inherent in consolidating massive amounts of sensitive data in one place.

“The cyber world tells us that almost anything sensitive is going to find its way around the door,” Bryan Sartin, Executive Director of Global Security Services with Verizon, told Information Age.

“In a B2B and B2C world, the number of hands this data ends up in is so high that it’s likely that it’s going to leak out inadvertently or accidentally.”

Time to act

Sartin’s team of more than 100 cybersecurity investigators pores over more than 400 data breaches around the world every year, extracting insight about penetration methods and victims’ responses.

Their conclusions, summarised in the…

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