Avoiding Common Pitfalls in the Compliance Job Search


Looking for your first job when fresh out of college can be a demoralizing experience. Just finding suitable roles to apply for can be a herculean task in and of itself. So, when you do get an opportunity befitting an eager and keen prospect such as yourself, make sure you grasp it, and make your application count. Mary Shirley offers help.

These tips may seem like common sense, but oftentimes inaugural job hunters are still learning the ins and outs of how small actions can have lasting effects on whether or not they’ll be shortlisted for interview. Here are some simple steps you can take to set yourself apart and avoid some of the missteps new graduates and junior lawyers frequently fall into when job searching for compliance gigs. 

Preparedness for Contact

This aspect covers logistical and general preparedness. It can be difficult to take phone calls if you’re in class or working another job. Make sure your voicemail is set up and not at capacity so you can still take messages from HR or the hiring manager. If you are in a position to take calls, keep your mobile phone near you and with the sound on. If you’ve set up an email account just for job applications because your personal account [email protected] doesn’t have quite the professional ring to it, make sure you check that account…
