26% of e-mails received each day are phishing mails: Experts | Hyderabad News

HYDERABAD: Raising an alarm over the limited knowledge of cyber security among the senior management of various companies, experts stressed the need for an immediate upgrade to avoid large-scale frauds.
Citing the Reserve Bank of India’s diktat that makes it mandatory for top banking officials to undergo a training in cyber security, they said that it should be extended to other sectors well. The experts were speaking at Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) annual conference 2019, on Saturday.

Interestingly, an internal experiment within a company showed that 99% of the top management had yielded to a phishing mail sent on purpose. “Of the 99% who tried to open the e-mail, about 1% tried three or four times to do so. Many even changed their passwords as instructed in the phishing mail,” said a global control specialist from an IT company participating in the conference. “This goes on to show the poor level of awareness about basics of cyber security among the top management,” he added sharing how several surveys show that 26% of e-mails received each day are phishing mails.
Agreeing with participants about how it is often difficult to convince top…

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