How to maximize your cybersecurity return on investment


Cybersecurity spending continues to rise, but cybercrime isn’t slowing down. While there’s no shortage of new technologies to invest in, there’s no silver bullet solution to protect your organization from an attack.

Developing a mature cybersecurity program takes time and can be overwhelming. Organizations just getting started can be unsure of where to begin. We are often asked, “How much do we need to spend, and how do we measure the ROI we make in cybersecurity?”

The current threat environment will influence your investment strategy. Cybercrime has evolved into an organized multibillion-dollar industry. Cybercrime-as-a-service has become a thriving global services economy and has changed the game for criminals around the world. Providers aren’t just operating on the dark web — some sell services on commercial websites. Many model themselves after commercial IT services providers, working with resellers, offering tiered pricing and providing help desk support. Little tech expertise is needed to become a very successful cybercriminal.

The good news is most of these attacks are not targeted; they are automated, opportunistic attacks….

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