Cyber roundup — GCN

Evaluating cybersecurity risk

Cyber roundup

*** The Department of Homeland Security updated its Stop Think Connect resources for October, National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. The 2019 Toolkit is a comprehensive guide to make it easier for organizations to promote and share core cybersecurity themes and critical messages. The government section features one-page guides that federal, state and local agencies can use to keep employees up to date.

*** The National Institute of Standards and Technology released a draft publication on zero-trust architecture for public comments. The document defines ZTA and its general deployment models and describes use cases where ZTA could improve an enterprise’s overall IT security posture. It also includes a gap analysis of areas where more research and standardization are needed, along with a high-level roadmap for enterprises implementing a ZTA approach.  Comments are due Nov. 22. More here.

*** The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has released four new CISA Insights products. Informed by U.S. intelligence…

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