The Top 9 Cybersecurity Certifications For Security Pros in 2019


The Top 9 Cybersecurity Certifications For Security Pros in 2019

Which enterprise-level cybersecurity certifications are in the highest demand? Why should your enterprise care about security certifications? And how can your security professionals get those cybersecurity certifications? 

Cybersecurity certifications verify the qualifications and the knowledge of your cybersecurity professionals. Furthermore, working towards achieving cybersecurity certifications can open new avenues for threat intelligence and incident response techniques.   

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With cybersecurity certifications, your IT team can boost its productivity and close possible skills gaps; with the continuation of the cybersecurity skills crisis in enterprises around the globe, both take on increased importance. The cybersecurity certifications process can help professionals stay versatile in their skills and grow their experience.

Here’s what you need to know about the top nine cybersecurity certifications for security professionals in 2019 

The Top 9 Cybersecurity Certifications for Security Pros in 2019

1. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)

The CISSP certification comes from the International Information Systems Security Certification…

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