"The future is plural". We often think in binary terms – either someth…


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"The future is plural". We often think in binary terms – either something we want or don't want to happen will or won't. However, the future is about a range of possibilities and scenarios. This is just one of the insights from our amazing conversation with Alexei Sidorenko, CRMP for ep. 116 of the All Things Risk podcast. We also cover:

? Why so much "new" stuff in the risk space has been around for some time – decision science, neuroscience and statistics

? Why pencil and paper are among of the best decision-making tools you can have

? Why so much of corporate risk management is actually bulls**t

? How Alex and colleagues found a way to make money playing the lottery

Alex's wonderful online conference #riskawarenessweek2019

Lots more!

Full episode here – https://bit.ly/2q03ysJ or wherever you get your podcasts.

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