Risk Managers: You’re Probably Spending Too Much Time Monitoring Email


Remember when email was the only way we shared information?  Modern communication methods have evolved — and risk has grown along with it.

But you know that already, right? If you’re on this page, you might already have concerns relating to communication.

 With official conversations taking place on social media, on collaboration platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams — or seemingly “invisibly” on instant messaging – how can we keep up?

The financial services industry is leading the way in the use of new communications tools, but all industries are affected, thanks to a one-two punch of client demand and employee desires.

Millennials prefer (and often insist on) cutting-edge communications tools, so proactive companies have to accept this reality or risk sacrificing efficiency and productivity.

How do you embrace the benefits of modern communication channels in light of the unique risks they present? This guide is a starting point.  We’ll review the risks here, while offering strategies for navigating this rapidly evolving landscape.

Buckle your seatbelt.

This is a free download of a useful and informative resource that has been thoroughly reviewed by our editors.  We’re sharing this resource on behalf of Smarsh Inc. CCI subscribers may receive an additional content offer related to this…
