Let’s make the best Risk Management Policy in the world together. Are you in? RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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Back in 2016 I created a risk management policy template (two actually, long and short), which since then have been donwloaded more than 1700 times. So, when I suddenly, found myself needing a risk management policy, I took my template and started working. I read it. But it just didn’t feel right. Yes, risk management policy is pure RM1, but I still felt the focus on risk-based decision making wasn’t strong enough.

RISK AWARENESS WEEK 2019 broadcasted online at https://2019.riskawarenessweek.com from 14 to 18 October 2019

So… I rewrote the risk management policy trying to make it better. I am still not 100% happy and need your help.

First, here are the ground rules:

  • risk management policy is pure RM1, stakeholers need it more than employees
  • in the template below I consiously made a choice to kill two bids with one stone, I made the policy longer than normal and I incorporated risk management framework document by making it shorter than normal, so this is now a blend policy + framework in one
  • if by now you think risk management policy is not RM1 or that policy and framework must be kept as separate documents, you are too stupid to be in risk management and you probably shouldn’t continue reading this article or commenting, I wouldn’t care about your feedback anyway

If you passed the first test, click on the image or link below and you can read it, leave comments inside the actual document and make changes right in the document:


VIEW AND EDIT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xQ17pg6krpbCX3DcHjGCBl_x65jc_6ci/view?usp=sharing


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