5 Simple Strategies To Keep Your Organization Safe from Cybercriminals


Each year around 60 million US individuals experience identity theft, often by way of data stolen from a company they do business with. The US continues to be the number one target, but India and Japan aren’t far behind.

According to South Florida IT specialist, Ilan Sredni of Hollywood’s Palindrome Consulting, a data breach now costs the average company nearly $4 million.

Cybersecurity risks are real and as businesses, we need to protect ourselves. But often cybersecurity strategies feel complicated and out of reach for the small to medium business. The truth is, they’re neither. Cybersecurity can be simple, affordable and effective. These “too simple” strategies may surprise you.

  1. Communicate with Employees: What’s the Risk?

Your employees are your front line in the fight against cybercrime. So building a culture of cyber safety is vital to the health of your business. Invest in at least an annual training where you share:

  • What’s at stake
  • Common tricks cybercriminal use
  • Safety protocol
  • How to report an attempt

Simple education will reduce the risks of a successful attack. While cybercriminals are always trying new things, people…

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