Causal Capital: Automation and Risk


We have been a little quiet on the blogging front at Causal Capital and a lot of people have asked; where’s the team, what’s going on? … but it’s been a busy, crazy year of growth for the company ~ We have tippled in size in less than twelve months and sadly we have stepped back from blogging to accommodate so much change, but rest assured this is only for a while.

Hopefully, we will be able to launch back into our publishing frequency for 2020 with various exciting articles, white papers, models and who knows, a few videos thrown in for fun … certainly a new website is in order but more on that later.

Today we are going to explore automation and it’s relationship on operational risk.

Boeing Catastrophe

The interrelated Boeing Catastrophe in Indonesia and then Ethiopia had a significant impact on me as a Risk Analyst, especially as I am traditionally a believer in the idea that automation standardises an operating environment and as a consequence, this should reduce risk from erroneous pathogens.

What happened at Boeing was quite the opposite and a brief peruse of Redline on the Verge by Darryl Campbell makes for a sobering chronological dialogue. The average person is left feeling that less human intervention or precisely oversight, contrasts us away from safety to an environment that is not only…
