AI, IoT, blockchain causing fresh threats to cyber security, says Sandeep Gupta of Protiviti


New facets of cyber threats unfold in India at a time when financial transactions and personal identifications are increasingly becoming digitised. The ongoing stocking of data to the cloud, increasing use of virtualisation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain are disrupting the risk environment across Indian organisations, says Sandeep Gupta, Managing Director, Technology Consulting, Protiviti India Member Firm. Key cyber risks that the corporate India faces today are data theft, cyber extortion, disruption of services, unauthorised money transfers, IoT and AI-driven attacks, he adds. Besides, cyber security segment opens up new job opportunities in the country. Edited excerpts:

What are the latest trends in global cyber security and IT privacy?

The situation in India largely echoes the challenges in global arena. We see IT audit functions continue to grapple with resourcing, staffing and skill needs. The threat landscape is evolving constantly. The cybercriminals are getting more sophisticated, while the regulations are slowly catching up. There are persistent gaps and process breakdowns in the ongoing transformation projects.

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