How remote working increases cyber security risks


We live in a world of increasingly sophisticated hackers and adversaries, out to steal data from people and companies for profit, knowledge or disruption. As businesses embrace digital transformation and new ways of working, keeping sensitive information safe is a growing challenge for employers and employees.

The workplace is changing fast, particularly offices. A 2019 study by International Workplace Group, which operates serviced offices and co-working spaces, found that 50 per cent of employees globally work away from their office at least two and a half days a week. Some analysts predict that up to half of the workforce will be freelance within 10 years, as short-term work becomes more common. Meanwhile, many businesses have increasingly long — and global — supply chains. Inevitably, these changes come with added cyber-security risks.

“It makes [cyber security] a lot harder when your attack surface — the culmination of all the networks and systems you use for work — is sizeable,” says Justin Harvey, global incident response lead in the security division of consultancy Accenture.

Chris Miller, regional director for the UK and Ireland at RSA Security, a…

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