Key security priorities for financial services: Preventing fraud and data leaks


The banking and financial services sector is struggling with a skills shortage along with the sheer volume of threats and alerts as it continues its ongoing battle against cybercrime, according to Blueliv.

security priorities financial services

With financial organizations a prime target for attacks, preventing fraud and data leakages is key to the sector’s security strategies – but it is getting harder as cyberthreats become increasingly diverse, sophisticated and malicious.

Rise in banking Trojans

Roughly a third of respondents are concerned about the impact banking Trojans (31 percent) and mobile malware (28 percent) will have on financial services organizations and their customers in 2020.

Tracking the latest evolving threats, researchers observed a 283 percent increase in botnets relating to Trickbot as well as a 130 percent increase in Dridex botnets. These botnets are linked to the distribution of banking Trojans and other malware families targeting the financial services sector.

The report also highlights that malware targeting mobile apps is one of the most rapidly developing threats to the financial services sector, with functionalities that allow criminals to gather user credentials as well…

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