How good cyber security helps SMEs to grow


By Joe Collinwood is CEO of Cysure 

Cyber security is often discussed in terms of data breaches, regulatory fines and business disruption. What is seldom highlighted are the advantages. Effective cyber security makes it possible for companies to innovate which drives revenue, profit and growth. Joe Collinwood, CEO at CySure explains how defending against cyber-crime can deliver benefits and result in a more valuable organization. 

 The digital world presents many opportunities to small and medium enterprises (SMEs)who can extend their reach further by operating online.Cyber security is essential if SMEs are to remain safe online but it’s not just about safety. Effective cyber security provides SMEs with the ability to create, innovate and personalise product offerings which can deliver substantial market opportunity and business growth.Here are three benefits of having a robust cybersecurity and compliance program:

  1. Retain loyal customers and demonstrate commitment to data security

One of the most important factors in company growth is customer retention – losing customers drags down growth.  Behind every data breach is a consumer/employee/business partner/supplier that…

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