Independent Insurance Agent Group Rep Calling Attention to Climate Change Dangers


A representative for an independent insurance agent group in one state has penned an opinion column calling attention to the dangers posed by climate change.

“Going forward, our state remains vulnerable to the widespread devastation a significant hurricane can bring,” Joe Stewart, vice president of governmental affairs for the Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina wrote in an opinion article in the Wilmington Star News this week. “And whatever your personal position on climate change, the evidence suggests global weather patterns very likely will produce more and worse hurricanes in the coming years.”

His op-ed referred to the effects large storms have on North Carolina communities locations and the need to plan for and mitigate their impact.

“Despite the political debate around climate change and associated sea-level rise, the insurance industry is compelled to confront this new reality,” he writes. “Earlier this year, the Society of Actuaries (the professionals who use data to determine risks and calculate insurance premiums) ranked climate change as the No. 1 risk.”

Climate change now outranks terrorism, cyber attacks, and financial…

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