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RISK AWARENESS WEEK is an annual event that aims to promote risk management practices, risk psychology, decision science and quantitative risk analysis to decision makers globally. It is 100% online event and will bring leading risk management researchers and practitioners to thousands of computers or mobile phones globally.
RISK AWARENESS WEEK 2019 had over 2800 participants from 121 countries, becoming the largest online risk event ever, and RAW2020 is promising to be even bigger!
Our theme next year is “Better decision making through risk management” with specific focus on better planning, performance management and governance through risk management, neuroscience and decision science.
What topics / case studies / speakers do you want to see at RAW2020? Have your say! Help shape the biggest online risk event of the year.
When you submit the form below, you will receive a 20% discount on all RAW2019 replays still available online. That’s 57 amazing workshops at 20% discount.