How good is your SOX program?

> Risk > How good is your SOX program?

How good is your SOX program?

For several years, I have led two-day training sessions for SOX leaders who want to make sure their programs are both efficient and effective.

The SOX Masters Classes are an opportunity to learn (or re-learn) what a top-down and risk-based approach is about, and how to ensure you have cut out all unnecessary and expensive work.

Over the years, most organizations have fallen into bad habits and their SOX scope has expanded way beyond what is necessary.

Often, this is because the external auditors insist on scope increases where, in fact, there really isn’t a significant risk. The likelihood of a material error or omission in the financial statements is less than reasonable possible.

The classes are limited in size so that we can have constructive discussions and learn with and from each other.

The next one is in Chicago on April 30th.
