Cyber security solutions are needed to keep companies in Myanmar safe: MIBS


Ahead of the event, Prajit Varma, CEO of MIBS, discussed the importance of implementing a strong cyber security framework in Myanmar and the challenges involved:

Why is cyber security important for a country like Myanmar?

Five years ago, there was no cybercrime in Myanmar, but it has increased in the past two years. Some big companies that were victims of cybercrimes don’t announce it for fear of damaging their reputations.

But attacks on networks and devices within Myanmar appear to be on the rise, as they are globally now. Hackers challenge the security of sensitive company information, our privacy and national security. It is therefore important that our digital world is secure.

Another reason is the digitisation of banking and insurance which will increase the chances of cyberattacks. To counter these growing global cyber-attacks, it is very critical and necessary to have a cyber security vision in place.

What are some of the cyber security risks we face; can you give us some examples of what could potentially happen if we do not take measures?

Phishing, Malware, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Brute Force or Password Attacks, Internet of Things (IoT) or…

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