Tech Experts Believe These 13 Jobs Should Never Be Automated


Automation in the workplace has been steadily gaining momentum over the past several years, and with good reason. Automating certain processes—especially repetitive or easily replicated tasks—can greatly improve accuracy and efficiency in the workplace. However, automation doesn’t work for every task, and some jobs will always require the human touch.

We asked Forbes Technology Council members to share which jobs should never be automated and why. Their best answers are below.

1. Law Enforcement

Policing should never be automated since artificial intelligence systems and robots can be compromised. An AI system that falls into the wrong hands could carry out various nefarious acts, such as invading personal privacy, misusing information and even enacting deadly force. All would violate ethical boundaries that we hold true. – Marc Fischer, Dogtown Media LLC

2. Customer Service

Chatbots are nice and efficient, but you should not eliminate humans. Chatbots should be assisting human agents instead of replacing them. Sometimes users need to talk to a human for customer service. I’m all for using chatbots since they’re way more efficient than humans in most cases….

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