These Are The Big Takeaways From This Year’s RSA Conference 2020


Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success.” While each one of us is different—visionary or pragmatist, builder or fixer, disruptor or peacemaker, mentor or non-conformist, comic relief or observer—bringing all our individual traits together results in a stronger, more diverse whole. This was the overarching message of RSAC 2020, the security conference that just wrapped up last week in San Francisco.

Finding Humanity Within Security
The RSA Conference brings together a large number of cybersecurity practitioners, vendors, analysts and other experts, creating a valuable opportunity to really understand what’s important in the industry right now. This year’s conference theme was the “Human Element.” For all the sophisticated technology out there, it’s actually the cybersecurity professionals—their ideas, creativity and knowledge—who are central to protecting the digital world. These experts approach the security challenge from a variety of directions: InfoSec, SecOps, AppSec, DevSecOps, security policy and management, security tool development, security training, plus many more. And when…

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